Selling a Home in Garnet Valley, PA

Selling a Home in Garnet Valley, PA

Garnet Valley was named by the USPS in 2006 to enable its residents to differentiate themselves from Upper Chichester Township residents. You'll have quite the advantage attracting buyers to your home since they'll find many captivating and intriguing things to do here, including Clayton Park, the largest park and recreational facility in the county. It rests on 165 acres of rolling greens and scenic woodlands in Concord Bethel Township and offers four ballfields, nature trails, a nine-hole golf course, and shaded picnic groves to outdoor enthusiasts.

There's also Penns Woods Winery for some adult-oriented excursions. This family-run business boasts over 40 years of wine-making experience. All its wines are made from Pennsylvania grapes. Or you can visit the century-old Linvilla orchards, which offer family fun with a farmer's market, miniature golf, and a gorgeous garden center. Attractions and sites like this can be quite advantageous when selling a home in Garnet Valley, Pa.

Prepare your home for the sale

It's most home sellers’ dream to simply list their home in the hopes of quickly finding a qualified buyer and making a stress-free sale. However, it's not typically this easy, as there are a lot of moving parts when it comes to selling a home — some that are out of your hands and some that you can control.

It's best to work with a professional real estate agent who can help you prepare your home for sale. They can help you determine which things you should prepare that are specific to your home for the market. You can also take advantage of their network of professionals, including landscapers, stagers, photographers, and contractors.

Choose a professional real estate agent

The most crucial part of selling a home is choosing the best real estate agent. When you pick an agent, you'll first want to see if they have experience selling Garnet Valley, Pa., properties. Once you've narrowed down the list, carefully interview each agent and go over their track record and expertise and the marketing strategies they plan to use to sell your home.

The right agent will put your mind at ease with their familiarity with the local area and extensive market knowledge. They'll help you understand all the associated costs, such as advertising costs, commission fees, and other expenses you might have to bear. They'll guide you through the entire process of selling your home.

Upgrades will help improve the value of your home

Your home is one of your most significant assets, and you'll boost the value even more by improving it. Of course, remodels and redos aren't cheap, and during inflationary times, many homeowners delay scheduling them. A Bankrate survey found that 25% of individuals in the U.S. have delayed home renovations and improvements because of the current state of the economy. But 14% of U.S. homeowners still say they're willing to accrue debt to invest in home improvement and renovations.

As a home seller, it's wise to be in control of whatever factors you can and be prepared. Things like hiring a reputable real estate agent and improving the online appeal of your home can translate into a more streamlined sale and more money in your pocket.

Professional staging for your home

An important step in getting your home prepared for a sale is staging the inside of it. Staging can substantially affect the sale price of your home and make it more appealing to potential buyers. Hire a professional to come in and rearrange decor and furniture, declutter, and add attractive pieces to enhance each room.

Investing in new accessories and furniture and adding fresh coats of paint can also improve the appeal of your home. When picking color schemes, you can create a welcoming environment with neutral colors or add vibrancy to the space with pops of color. The important thing is to make sure each color you select serves a purpose and is intentional.

Lighting is also an essential part of staging a home. The staging expert will maximize the natural light in the house and use task lighting to enhance specific areas of every room.

Selling your home

When selling a home in Garnet Valley, Pa., there are other considerations to make, including:

Your MLS listing and different real estate marketing strategies

Most potential buyers will find your home through your Multiple Listing Service (MLS) listing. Your real estate agent will craft a creative MLS listing for you. Since there are certain limitations on the length and scope of your MLS, they'll include the most memorable features in your descriptive listing copy. They'll also use photos to showcase the property's unique qualities and make your listing stand out by focusing on non-traditional angles.

Host an open house and virtual tour

An open house can offer an outstanding opportunity to show your home off in the best way possible, causing potential buyers to instantly fall in love with it and make offers. Relying on a sign outside your home or word of mouth isn't enough. While these marketing methods are a good start, you'll also want to get online to advertise your open house. Enlist the help of your agent to get your property listed, including your open house information.

Another way to showcase your home is by having your agent host a virtual tour online where potential buyers are invited to explore your home. They'll get a personalized virtual tour of your home and can ask real-time questions. Your agent can also send out invitations through social media, email, and newsletters. They can even throw a Facebook event to reach a broader audience.

Handling multiple offers

After you start receiving multiple offers for your home, you may be tempted to jump on the first offer that comes in to make a quick sale. Instead of doing this, work with your real estate agent to review all the attractive offers and find one that suits you best. It's not always about the highest offer. There are other factors to consider. For instance, you may choose a lower offer with guaranteed financing over a higher offer with financial backing that could be withdrawn at any moment.

The home closing process

During the home closing process, both the buyer and the seller have certain obligations that they must fulfill as per the terms of the sales contract. As the seller, you'll typically be required to:

  • Make all repairs you've agreed to make.
  • Ensure all your belongings are removed from the property, except for those that were detailed in the contract to stay (i.e., major appliances).
  • Ensure the home is thoroughly cleaned before the closing unless you are selling it “as is.”
Certain municipalities and states will have their own requirements. For instance, your state might require a carbon monoxide or smoke detector certificate or a septic system inspection. Check with your lawyer or real estate agent to ensure you have all your bases covered.

FAQs about selling your Garnet Valley, Pa., home 

Here are some common questions sellers have.

How can I sell my Garnet Valley, Pa., home faster?

The home sale process can be lengthy, lasting anywhere from several weeks to months — sometimes longer. But when you work with a professional real estate agent who is very familiar with the Garnet Valley market and the home-selling process, it helps speed the process up quite a bit. Your realtor will handle all the tasks, such as marketing, listing, and negotiating, to keep things running smoothly while you focus on other important things.

Can I sell my Garnet Valley home without a real estate agent?

You certainly can sell your home in Garnet Valley without a real estate agent. However, the process will be longer since you'll be responsible for all the transactions that take place, including the marketing. You'll also have to handle all the work of preparing your home for sale, such as working with contractors, staging professionals, etc. This will likely have you spending a lot of time on the phone and overseeing projects to ensure they're done properly — a very time-consuming commitment. Hiring a realtor to handle all this will save you time and ensure that you sell your home quicker and for more money.

Let the professionals sell your home in Garnet Valley, Pa.

If you plan on selling a home in Garnet Valley, you'll want to seek the expert guidance of a professional real estate agent to handle all the details. Gary Scheivert is a highly qualified Garnet Valley realtor with extensive knowledge and experience in this market. Allowing Gary to assist you in selling your home will provide you with a smooth, streamlined process. Contact Gary today to get started on your Garnet Valley home-selling process!

*Header photo courtesy of Shutterstock

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